Key Concept: Growth happens in community
Life Planning Webinar Minutes: 42.15- 48.26
Looking Back (20 minutes)
Love Does: Who did you share your inspiration quote/verse with? Where did you put your quote/verse so you will see it each day?
Looking Up (20 Minutes)
Discussion Questions:
- What impacted you most about identifying your commitments?
- The Law of Diminishing Intent says the longer it goes before you initiate the action, the less likely you are to accomplish it. How has this been true in your life? Has it ever not been true? What- or who- encouraged you to complete the task?
- Reflect on your specific commitments; what are the commitments you made?
- “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.” How does this quote from Jim Rohn influence the execution of your life plan?
- “Garbage in, garbage out; love in, love out; truth in, truth out.” How is your mind being filled? How can you better fill your mind with love and truth?
- We all need people around us who will journey alongside us. Who are the people in your life who will encourage you and hold you accountable in your Life Plan commitments?
Looking Forward (20 Minutes)
Love Does: Share your Life plan with 2 or more people in your life who will encourage you in accomplishing your Life Plan.
Congratulations! You have completed the Movement Life Planning Series.
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