*** Before doing any weekly assignments, pray. ***
Week Four: Movement Mentoring Overview
Key Concept: What is Movement Mentoring?
Looking Back (20 Minutes).
1.Accountability: Love Does
- Did you share the Grab the Key video this past week? What was the other person’s reflections upon seeing the video?
2. Connecting Relationally (Optional)
- These questions are optional based on how much time you have and/or how much time you want to spend on the Looking Up section.
- If you know that a group member is going through a major life event, feel free to ask about it.
- Otherwise, you may want to also ask the group, “What is one thing you are celebrating that happened last week or one place you saw God show up?”
Looking Up (20 Minutes)
- Read the Overview out loud together: Movement Mentoring Overview
Looking Forward (20 Minutes)
- Goal-Setting
- Read Tim Keller’s Spiritual Assessment Tool (provided in the overview) and discuss it with a close friend and/or spouse
- Your drive to work (or your first 15 minutes if you work at home) will be oriented around connecting with God (worship, prayer, Bible reading, meditation, etc.).
5. Remind people of the commitments moving forward-
- As long as I believe the group is adding value to my life, I commit to attending the group and coming prepared, apart from traveling or emergencies with families.
6. Prayer
- To get to know one another better and dip our toes in the waters of vulnerability, share one area of current struggle with the group and then take a few minutes to close out the group in prayer for one another.